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The StarGraph Class

In order to express interest in a specific subgraph, a service instantiates a StarGraph object with information about the desired structure. Within Haystack, we define a star graph to consist of a central node with a number of attached rays. We can have any number of (uniquely labeled) rays which consist of Tie objects and the Straw object each Tie is connected to.

An example may clarify this model. The HsTypeGuesser service has the task of deciding the type of an object. Type can be guessed by two heuristic methods. One method is based on analysis of the file name or Uniform Resource Location (URL) and the other method is based on the analysis of the content of the documentgif. The HsTypeGuesser is therefore interested in a bale.HaystackDocument object connected to a needle.Location.URL and a needle.Body object. Graphically, this corresponds to Figure gif.

Figure: A Sample star graph.

In this case, we don't actually care what the types of the two Ties are. The graph is still of interest whether the needle.location.URL is connected by a tie.location.URL, a tie.Location, or just a Tie. Say we also have a new type of needle.Location extension. For example, a needle.location.RMAILID, which indicates the location of a specific mail message in an RMAIL file. We extend our HsFetchService to retrieve this type of document. Our fetch service is now not only interested in the needle.location.URL, but also other kinds of needle.location objects. We now want to see the StarGraph that includes the wildcard for of the needle.Location type, specifically needle.Location*gif character). To allow for this behaviour, the StarGraph object is instantiated not with an explicit description of the sub-graph, but rather a regular expression that models all acceptable matches. Figure gif represents this graphically. Note also that we are assuming a case insensitive regular expression (i.e. tie* matches Tie, tie, and tie.Location). The complete defintion of the StarGraph regular expression syntax is available in [6].

Figure: A Sample star graph with regular expressions.

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Copyright 1998, Eytan Adar (